Custom Designed Albums
The designer behind the computer
Hey there! I’m Liana. I’ve always loved capturing real, unposed moments, especially the ones that included my kids and the rest of my family. Looking at a photo can bring the warmth of family all around you and that feeling can be really important later on in life when you’re looking back on moments passed.
As a stay at home Mum to two beautiful kids, I loved documenting all the little everyday details of their lives as they were growing up, from the quirky little things they did or how they pronounced certain words when they were learning to talk as well as the bigger moments like birthdays, their favourite things or activities during the years etc. Sometimes my kids would ask me a question that I couldn't remember, (because trust me, as much as you may think you’ll remember it all, you don’t), so I'd tell them to go look it up in their albums as I knew I had recorded it there.
Then they would both love bringing out the albums and reminiscing, and not just about the one thing they had asked about, but pouring over the whole album.
I remember discovering some beautiful old photographs when we were packing up my grandparents’ house after they had passed, who I am presuming were my ancestors but unfortunately there is no longer anyone around that can identify who these people were.
Imagine if they had created an album that not only showcased their photos but their story as well. That's what I am passionate about helping couples like you do, if you leave only one story, let it be your love story that your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren can read and enjoy for generations to come.
When I was a teenager, I came across a photo in a magazine of a wedding dress that I really liked and wanted to keep for when I got married someday. However, my brother clearly had other ideas, as he decided to scribble all over the picture in green vivid so that the picture was completely unrecognisable.​
Fast track a decade or so later when I was looking for wedding dresses for my own wedding and suddenly it was like de ja vu, on a page with a number of other dresses was a tiny picture that I could have sworn was the exact same picture I wanted to keep all those years ago. It wasn’t just the style of the dress but the whole style and pose of the photo seemed so familiar. This time I did keep the page which I then put into my wedding album along with this story, as that ended up being the dress I wore on my wedding day.
However, if I just had a traditional wedding album you wouldn’t know this story by just looking at my wedding photos or the countless other stories and details that made my wedding so special. Even though I did manage to preserve a lot of the details of my wedding, as thankfully I had written down a lot of my story at the time, but as I didn't create my album until over a decade later there were already details that I couldn't remember, like my vows for example or the speeches people told at our reception.
Your wedding day is more than just the wedding photos you end up with, each step along the way in your preparation deserves to be recorded and beautifully preserved. This is where I can help you, each album is personalised to suit you, to tell your story, in your own unique way.
Sadly, so often these days our photos don't even make it into albums, they get lost on social media or on our hard drives, in the too hard basket to find or do anything with.
Now, I love capturing love stories for couples so they can experience the same opportunity to have at least one of their stories told and be able to reminisce over it in years to come with each other and with future generations.